Sharpest knife in industrial standard test
The Dutch consumer association (Consumentenbond) with its over 500,000 members and the TEST magazine "Consumentengids" made an independent, industrial standard test.Chef's knife test: CHROMA knives are the sharpest onesIn the BeNeLux headquarters of the CHROMA distributor A'domo the champagne corks popped. The Dutch consumer association tested chef's knives with 20 cm blades in a test arrangement very similar to that of Stiftung Warentest in Germany:
The CHROMA type301 was the sharpest knife in the test, second overall.
Please open above test in a new window (Sorry, we know how to make knives, but websites ....)
On the 10-point scale, the CHROMA, popular with michelin star chefs, was 9.6 out of 10 points. The sharpest European Wüsthof was almost 2 points behind at 7.8 on the sharpness scale.
In the kitchen knife test, renowned knives such as the Japanese Global Knife are far behind the Solingen knife with 7.6 points - almost the same as the IKEA 365+, which scored a respectable 7.4 points - just like the very expensive Robert Herder 1922. Still behind the IKEA chef's knife in this knife test is the KAI Kai Shun Classic with 6.9 points. 2018
Best of the Best: Chroma ProCuTe

The LifeCare initiative
The "KitchenInnovation of the Year®" as a guide to decision-making
"LifeCare" is an independent initiative which seeks to identify and respond to the needs of people in our society, in order to bring about a perceptible improvement in the quality of life enjoyed by all.
It was to meet the aspirations arising from the growing demand for trust and reliability that the initiative was founded. Though its annual "KitchenInnovation of the Year®" award for the best consumer-friendly products, it actively helps consumers to make the right purchase decisions.
Customers look for product features such as quality and functionality coupled with attractive design and scrutinise them closely before deciding to buy. A quality seal which is awarded partly though the neutral recommendation of consumers themselves commands a high degree of confidence.
In each categorie the product with the highest score is also presented "Golden Award – Best of the Best".
This is in the year 2012 the CHROMA ProCuTe range, the titanium cutting gear spice cutters.
KitchenInnovation of the Year 2012

The kitchen innovation seal 2012 was awarded to CHROMA for its type 301 cnives
Criteria for the winner:
A consumer-friendly product is one which doesn’t just excel in one area, but offers above-average performances across the board. To ensure a thorough, all-round assessment, the following criteria are taken into account.It is evaluated according to the following criteria:
__ Functionality/user-convenience
__ Product benefit
__ Innovation
__ Design
__ Ecology/sustainability
CHROMA type 301 cnives are the best
In March 2011 the Swedish Test institute “Test Fakta” (test facts) carried out comparative tests of leading kitchen knives including Chroma Type 301, which was awarded the top score of 4.4 of a possible 5 points. Runners-up included the OBH knife by Nordica with 3.9 points, the Global G2 with 3.7, and the MAC MBK-85 with 3.4 points and the relatively cheap Fiskars ‘Functional Form’ coming in last place with 3 points. Making Chroma the clear winners by a substaintial margin.
Test Fakta tested the knives on several important factors that are considered essential for good kitchen knives. Among the criteria tested were ‘sharpness’ to the ISO8442-5 standard in which a stack of 15mm strips of paper are cut by performing a mechanical ‘back-and-forth’ movement. After ten cycles the amount of paper cut by each knife are measured after which the remaining ‘sharpness’ of each knife is assessed
Our knives are manufactured in the best factories and are made of the finest and strongest modern high-grade steel. Knives by Chroma Cutlery are extremely sharp and hold their edge for a very long time. This means you can spend more time enjoying your food and less time sharpening a dull knife. See the philosophy section for further information on sharpening and caring for your Chroma cnives.
Chroma type 301 came out on top remaining relatively sharp, while the MAC knife, which placed second in the sharpness test was found to have lost around 60% of its original sharpness.
The second test carried out was to assess the ability of each knife to withstand the effects of corrosion - or rust in layman’s terms, which occurs due to oxidisation of the metal surface of the knife. The corrosion test conforming to ISO standard 4628-1 is carried out on knifes previously cleaned with Acetone solution which are then placed in a flask containing 1% Sodium Chloride (common table salt) solution at 60 degrees Celsius for intervals of ten seconds, three times a minute for six hours. The blades of each knife are then studied using a microscope to assess the levels of corrosion suffered. The damage is rated according to a six-point scale.
The Chroma type 301 knife was virtually unaffected by corrosion, the MAC knife which was the most expensive of those tested and the second sharpest knife in the sharpness test was found to be so sensitive to corrosion that it was rendered almost useless after the test. The Global knife was also found to suffer badly from corrosion.
"If I speculate , I think that the Mac knives are designed to be easily resharpened. The more rust-proof a knife is, the more difficult it is to sharpen it again. The producers do a balancing act, "said test director Magnus Palm of SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. This balancing act is accomplished perfectly by the Chroma type 301 knife range as it is the sharpest knife, resists corrosion, retains sharpness and is very easy to regrind.
Christian Romanowski, a CHROMA senior manager tells us, “The corrosion test only proves that you should not put expensive knifes in the dishwasher, the knifes should be rinsed clean under a tap, soon after each use. No Japanese knife scored as well and once again shows that the CHROMA type 301, which is especially popular among professional chefs is a formidable knife. Overall we are very satisfied with the test and are please to be the overall winner in this exacting independent test.
Franco Sotgiu of Chroma Knifes UK said: “We were the clear test winner but after four years of research and development with the famous Austrian Chef Joerg Woerther and the brilliant designer F.A. Porsche to develop the best kitchen knife in the world. We the people of CHROMA were not at all surprised with the results.
When I see how many top chefs in UK and in all over the world are working with CHROMA type 301 knifes I know we have created the perfect tool for the industry - not only because of the comfortable handle and its perfect balance, but also because of its unique cutting edge.
This test has indeed again confirmed the impressive quality of CHROMA type 301 knives as we were also the clear winners for out-of-the-box sharpness and were awarded 16 points for our knives ability to stay sharp over time – the MAC cnife came second with only 8 points – only half as sharp as the Chroma knife.
Test Fakta have confirmed conclusively that the Chroma type 301 range are the leaders in usability, durability and maintenance – and are not particularly expensive.”, said the London based importer.”
Source (Swedish) or read the english version
"TEST FAKTA" is an independent swedish testing and research company, specializing in laboratory tests for the assessment of consumer goods. All tests are performed by certified testing and research laboratories.
"TEST FAKTA" is an independent body not affiliated to any manufacturer.
"TEST FAKTA" is the leading test institute in Scandinavia. Many of the largest nordic newspapers, such as Dagens Nyheter, publish the best results of "TEST FAKTA"
"TEST FAKTA" cooperates with over 20 European laboratories.
Adolf Loos Staatspreis Design 2003
Die Liste der Preisträger
Küchenmesserserie “Type 301”
Designer Porsche Design GmbH, Ferdinand A. Porsche
Flugplatzstraße 29, A-5700 Zell am See, T (+43-6542) 57 227-0, F 57 227-2, Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Auftraggeber & Produzent Chroma Cutlery Inc.
Suite 900, 4010 South Poplar, Camper, Wyoming 82601, USA, T = F (+1-775) 540 66 45,
Vertrieb, Importeur für Deutschland
Richard-Sorge-Str. 66, D-15745 Wildau bei Berlin, T (+49-1803) 59 59 59, F 74 74 74, E This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">beste [at] kochmesser [dot] de ,
Produktgestaltung – Konsumgüter / Design ausgewählt